How Many Makes You a Slut?


Its no secret that I have been on somewhat of a man break just because, well, I needed it. I decided about two years ago after dating a guy for the second time that I was making bad dude decisions. So I just stopped-everything. Namely sex.

Taking a manbreak gave me a sense of peace and happiness and it also made me stop judging myself and other women for the number of sexual partners and then lack thereof that they and I have had.


Let me say, I have been a church girl and I grew up in the Catholic church. So you know that I am all messed up, but I love sex tho, right. It so makes sense and none at all. At 36, ready to be OFF of my man break I don’t even think about numbers anymore. And I want to convey the message to other women that whether you have sex with one guy or 50 guys that you are still awesome!..oh and guess what GOD WILL STILL LOVE YOU. And you are not a devilish, evil woman who makes men lose their morals. So stop asking yourself how many makes you a slut?

Your value as a person has nothing to do with your “number.”

Your vagina is not the barometer that you should measure your personal worth with. If you want to have sex, have sex. If you want to have a LOT of sex do that too! Of course be safe, of course do your kegels!…keep her tight honey!


Do not stress if somebody thinks that having sex with 5 guys makes you a big old nasty HOE or if having sex with that whole line of Bruhs makes you the talk of the chapter. In fact sometimes even if you aren’t having sex men will make up lies because why not?

I avoided seeing my friends because of what I felt was an indiscretion that I had participated in. I avoided places that HE might show up, just in case this well liked guy might have mentioned our “thing” to our mutual friends. Because my GOD I might actually die if he called me a SLUT!!! **enter me screaming**

“So the original question was, “How many makes you a slut?””

More than 5? Does 10 make you a slut? What if your number is a pearl clutching 20?…or child more?

Surprise: There isn’t a number that makes you a slut. Breathe.
Slut isn’t even a relevant term. Slut is a term that has been created and perpetuated to control women and our sexuality. There isn’t even a WORD for slut for men. And some people will say Man-Whore, because whore is specifically created to keep women in sexual chains.

And it’s not like you can be a slore all on your own, right? There IS a penis between us.

I just want women to be sexually liberated and to love themselves…be okay with your desire to get it on too.

So what if you had more sexual partners than your mother? I’m sure that I have had way more sexual partners than my Mom. She was married to my Dad at 19. Sex does not make you dirty, unlovable or less than a lady. It means that you know what you want, you enjoy sex and you do not allow peoples image of you to stop you from living.

So you tell me, in your opinion, how many makes YOU a slut?

You Big Old Slut!…and it didnt even hurt did it? When people get to throwing hoe stones…listen.

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Sharelle D. Lowery is THE Classy, Black Girl.

Sharelle D. Lowery is Classy and She likes Brunch. From Super Socialite to Super Mom!!...Classy, Black Girl.